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Papa Mike carving a Rock with an angle grinder

Gallery Tavioni & Vananga is a center for creativity in the Cook Islands.

It is our goal to ensure that future generations are able to have access to the precious knowledge, techniques, values and lived experience of our two master carvers and the founders of this space - Mike and Awhitia Tavioni.


Sharing our history, stories and the wisdom of the ancestors through

wood and stone carving, motifs and patterns, literature,
reo (language), block
printing, korero (discussion) and more.


We strive to keep these traditional life skills alive for the next generations so 
that they are not lost but passed on
 from Master to apprentice - 
for the benefit of all. 


Ensuring our culture stays strong, vibrant and alive.

Kia ora uatu rai te peu tupuna.
May the culture of the ancestors continue to live.



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